
I am an architectural designer and plant enthusiast, marrying my love for design and nature.
I graduated with a Masters in Architecture from the National University of Singapore and am currently an Architectural Designer with Grant Associates. I take care of 120 plants (and counting), and aim to spread my love of plants through design. I plan on continuing my architectural pursuit in search for a world where architecture is designed through the lens of plants ; an architecture where plants could potentially domesticate and control it, and thereby controlling humans. This is the basis of my M.Arch thesis, which I hope one day I could make into reality.
Ever since the day I was inspired by a Swedish designer, who used his art form to help the Cerebral Palsy community, I aim to live by my motto - “What is Your Art for?”- hoping that one day my Art would mean something to someone...
Along with my love for plants, I am inspired to create buildings that positively impact its landscape and people. The Biophilia hypothesis speaks about humans' innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. Edward O. Wilson talks about the powerful effect Biophilia has on the human brain and society's outlook on life; and through architecture, I strive to achieve this.

Do get in touch if you have something in mind! -